Creative, trendy, and hard-working team of experts, architects, and consultants, ready to fulfill the customer’s desires, and quick to respond to trends and new developments in the sphere of landscaping design


Project manager

Opens the line of communication between clients, customers, and businesses to get projects done. With over 6 years of experience in both public and private sectors. Earned a bachelor’s degree in management from United states.

Dr. Eid S.

Engineering Safety Consultant

PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, Academic and Researcher in Cities, Buildings, and Landscape Safety.


Sales & marketing specialist

Sales and marketing professional with over 8 years of experience. A passionate about developing and maintaining strong relationships centered on trust with each of his customers

Al Zughaibi

Senior HR

Worked in the HR field for over 35 years. Received management position of a multinational corporation and local closed joint-stock company, along with continuous self-development in various areas of management, and acquired the knowledge and skills that qualify him to be an ideal HR consultant.

C. M.


A passion for gardening and a love of natural beauty. environmentally conscious and open to take on new ideas. Just some of the qualities of a landscaper



Over 20 years of experience in public accounting and financial auditing. Proven track record of excellence. Knowlagent in general business.

Al Soghayyer

Founder & Agricultural Expert

with a number of years of experience in farm management, crop rotation, soil conservation, and balancing the commercial viability of agricultural land with sustainable development.